A country is too import to be left alone to politicians.

This then calls for every citizen to take responsibility while exercising their rights and to safeguard those rights by acting within the confines of the rule of law.

It’s very easy to ignite a flame but allow not yourself to be the fuel that spreads and keeps the fire burning. Who knows, it might as well consume you.

If your leader is blind to reason, pause for a moment, sit and reason together. If still blind to reality, choose the right path. Do not follow a blind guide because you will both end in a pit.

If you see trouble coming your way, stand out of it’s way; it will pass and you will have saved your life.

While we remain quiet in time of oppression, the oppressor may think we’re happy and burden our yoke more. We must keep on talking and demand a better country; for us all, for our children and for generations to come. In yielding the rights of others, we may endanger our own.

In the midst of all the scuffle, anxiety and uncertainty keep peace and tranquility because these two are the bedrock of prosperity of every society.

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